UPDATE: 10/15/2020
Soccer in the Streets Community,
Throughout the COVID crisis, we have been evaluating when we feel it is safe to start playing again. This involves monitoring the opinions of key health organizations, such as the CDC and WHO, and the governing soccer bodies. We now feel it is appropriate for us to begin limited return to play with both our youth and adult programs with COVID safety precautions put in place.
Youth programs have returned to play in a limited capacity at limited locations. We are prioritizing the safety of our kids and their families and aim to provide a healthy activity during this tough period. We are adhering to health experts’ guidelines along with local policies. We have evaluated locations to identify the areas that will allow us to safely control the environment. We are starting with older teams in a limited ratio during this initial phase and will add younger groups as conditions permit.
Return To Play Locations:
Southside: College Park and Fairburn - OPEN
Westside: West End and Vine City -OPEN
Eastside: Clarkston - OPEN
Northside: Virtual Training - Virtual Training & In Person training OPEN SOON
To learn more about our youth programs and to sign up follow the link here .
If you have any questions contact:
We have also decided to move forward with our adult leagues and pickup at our StationSoccer locations. Leagues are designed so players/ teams are not in the same area and they are able to maintain social distance when off the field 6ft apart. Players are required to wear a mask when not playing. Pickup sessions have strict capacity limits and no spectators are allowed for either league games or pickup sessions. .
To learn more about our StationSoccer- Adult Leagues and safety precautions follow the link here .
If you have any questions contact StationSoccer Manager, Fernando Guerena,
This is important to our organization to stay safe and mindful of our community while playing the beautiful game of soccer as we continue to adhere to strict guidelines.
Executive Director, Phil Hill